San Francisco Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee
    Updated On: Sep 19, 2024


    Summer 2024  


    Large Conduit Bending                                                                                        Course #SM113

    Days:  Tuesdays & Thursdays                  Nights:   Six (6) Nights                   24 Hour course               

    Instructor:  Scott Kingshill                                    Course Fee………$40.00*              Class Size:   12 Min. – 16 Max.

    Time: 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm      

    Dates:  HAVE CHANGED TO:    NOVEMBER, 5th,  7th,  12th,  14th,  19th,  21st.         

    Description:       In this class students will review the basics of large conduit bending, including safety and code, and will practice bending 1 ½” through 4” conduit using a variety of sidewinder and hydraulic benders available in the lab. Students will complete a series of challenging bends to gain proficiency.

    *(will be refunded-in-full if all classes are attended)


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